
temper your verbs in the furnace, ernest, then quench em in the rain, ...shane

sirius b stretchin words to the brink, daily. lol  the brink of the rink thats what, skatin up and down fireplacing my pockets on prime reality is on standby cuz, i dont know, too much snow, no place to go, n to much to show for it, so go for its, in view from the edge so go on and jump in, weasle's easles propped up routed n plugged in again wired for loud sound, soft sound, ultrasounds like somthing profound if ya back talkwards fast enough get past enough static clinging to last miniwheat...needin somthin else to eat with peanutsbuttersnjelly..fill the belly
i slept, flawlessly, lawlessly mouths flopped open, lookin jawless like did he just.. yup still teaching the laws of averages to these young savages runnin wild on the plains with nothing to gain from it but bad looks from the antelopes n glances from the cant elopes n sippin spirits with the holy goats, all to keep the pressures low, which way'd he go when the water rose, well uphill i suppose to find better trees please bare with the mes', witness as i dance with this muse, not tryn to confuse, sirius b just convertin these hear shoes into slippers, funkin with the skippers that are flatt and round, like any captain would carry to contest with the laws of float or not, sink or swim, fix the faucet, the waters rising out there its just frozen so only the chosen can fish.....

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