
i am but one sirius , this b my confession......... i bought the yule mule i road in on....

i have found the root,
the root of my dis compassion for lazy, for greedy, for selfish
these are my distractions, and i buy them now.
i have acted lazy, greedy, and selfish
these are faulty coping mechanisms and make my heart impure
stack these on a pyre and light it.

i am assembling a machine this life,
I've been wayward.
paddling through doldrums, searching, i am back.
i am back, reigning again over a dream.

i don't want my daughter to find a man just like me,
i want my daughter to find a better man than me.
i don't want my sons to find women just like their mother,
i want my sons to find women better than there mother.

i pray to wake a better version of me each day.....
model a future version of the future......


hallelujah! this time we get down....

the norm is a powerful force
water does the same thing for millions of years,
it carves grand canyons,
moves sand n slices rocks.
i am not water, only part.
but i flow,
towards the down.
toward something manifested by good and righteous dreams,
toward something not unknown or unsealable, just dream able.

toward a constant alpha state,
towards the down.......


in and out of conflict,
in and out of the cheese,
in and out of the deer house........


theres a whole lot of "stuff" that goes along with any good trek or mission,
simple things crucial to summit get overlooked.
go great goal getting, but bring your towel..........